India, April 28 -- Maize prices ended lower by 0.16 per cent on Wednesday at the National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited (NCDEX) as a result of heavy selling activity by the traders on account of higher global supplies and weak offtakes from ...
Chana prices were down by 1.14 per cent to Rs 5,443 per quintal in futures trade today as participants trimmed their positions, triggered by adequate stocks at spot market on improved supplies after the government measures to check rising prices.
Chana prices were down by 1.14 per cent to Rs 5,443 per quintal in futures trade today as participants trimmed their positions, triggered by adequate stocks at spot market on improved supplies after the government measures to check rising prices.
Corpo de Etiene é coberto por PM no quintal da casa. Violento crime continua sem solução. Uma conversa entre a dona de casa assassinada em fevereiro, Etiene Josefa de Arruda Coelho, 33, e uma amiga da família poderá trazer mais elementos para a ...
Um norte-americano ficou intrigado ao encontrar uma estranha criatura no quintal de sua casa no estado do Arizona (EUA) e decidiu entregá-la para o fundador de um show de horrores. O homem, que não teve o nome divulgado, fez contato com Todd Ray, ...
In the national capital, soyabean refined mill delivery (Indore) and soyabean degum (Kandla) oils were down by Rs 50 each to Rs 6,750 and Rs 6,450 per quintal respectively. Among non-edible oils, castor traded lower by Rs 50 to Rs 9,500-9,600 per quintal.