It's the grilled sandwich that emerges from a pie iron, a cast-iron clamshell of sorts at the end of a long handle. Line one side with bread, top with stuff and another slice of bread, then close it and hold it over a fire for about 10 minutes. Those ...
Couch recently shared her insights, experience and recipes about the most popular forms of campfire cooking: stick, foil pack, pie iron and Dutch oven. "Cooking with sticks over the fire is the most rustic" and can be achieved by packing reusable ...
From left, Jared Pierce, Carrie Simon, and Liv Svanoe demonstrate making a brie, cranberry and walnut "pudgie pie" they call "C'est La Brie" at Simon's home in Madison. The trio co-authored "Pudgie Revolution! Pie Iron Cookin' for Food-Lovin' Campers.".
A pie iron — also known as a pudgy pie iron — consists of two hinged metal plates on long handles — or as Kirby described it, “long tongs with a clamshell.” Campers use the appliance as a sandwich or pie maker, frying pan or whatever else their ...
However, a lower temporal fenestra is present in Mesosaurus at least where it's bordered by the jugal, quadratojugal and squamosal bones (Pieiro et al. 2012a). Since this is similar to the condition present in synapsids it might show that lower ...