Jyderne tegner sig for mere end halvdelen af de 6500 brændeovne, der siden november er blevet skrottet til fordel for en præmie på 2000 kroner. Sydjyder har sendt næstflest ovne på pension - i alt 945 styk. Østjyderne er danmarksmestre i at skrotte ...
Opening the show are Maria Osende and Compania Azul. Tickets are $30 to $50 online at flamencofestival.ca or via etixnow at 1-877-ETIX-NOW. There are discounts for students and seniors. Cash wine bar; all ages welcome. Grilo will give master classes.
Les dirigeants historiques de l'Union des Populations du Cameroun. De gauche à droite, au premier rang: Osende Afana, Abel Kingué, Ruben Um Nyobe, Félix Moumié, Ernest Ouandié. Ruben Um Nyobé est tué dans un coup de filet de l'armée française en ...
Maria Osende is on the line from sunny Madrid: "I think I picked the right winter to spend away from Nova Scotia." Osende, along with being a master of understatement, is a dancer and choreographer who created her own dance company, Maria Osende ...
La jubilación de la única trabajadora de la oficina de Correos de Zas, que además es la propietaria del local, pone en peligro la continuidad del servicio en la localidad. Así lo denuncia el portavoz del PP, Pedro Osende, y lo corrobora el alcalde ...
Webb and 2b theatre co-artistic director Anthony Black are starring in Carmen in One Act, a 45-minute performance with live music during the 10th anniversary gala for the Maria Osende Flamenco Company on Saturday at 8 p.m. at the Maritime Museum of the ...