Motorola is expected to launch its 4th generation Moto G series of smartphones soon. On Thursday, the company's India arm also began sending invites for a New Delhi event on May 17, tipping it may launch the Moto G (Gen 4) aka Moto G4. It might also ...
EAST AURORA, N.Y., April 28, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Astronics Corporation (NASDAQ:ATRO), through its wholly-owned subsidiary Astronics Test Systems, is introducing a breakthrough radio test solution for use in commercial aerospace, military, and ...
/EIN News/ -- EAST AURORA, N.Y., April 28, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Astronics Corporation (NASDAQ:ATRO), through its wholly-owned subsidiary Astronics Test Systems, is introducing a breakthrough radio test solution for use in commercial aerospace ...
During his visit, Gen Mehmood termed it to be a significant step in Pakistan's continued efforts towards strengthening nuclear safety and security culture. He also witnessed ongoing training activities of the SPD security force and visited other state ...
Astronics Test Systems' new CTS 6000 Radio Test Set combines nine instruments into a single, portable, easy-to-use device. EAST AURORA, N.Y., April 28, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Astronics Corporation (NASDAQ:ATRO), through its wholly-owned ...
Gaming giant Nintendo have confirmed that their next generation games console - codenamed Nintendo NX - will be released in March next year. A company spokesperson said:”For our dedicated video game platform business, Nintendo is currently ...