Noticias de Aranga
"The Hui Aranga is a special part of not just my life but my entire family's life. It is a time to celebrate being Māori and being Catholic at this special time of the year." A key part of the hui was coming together with whanau and friends, Ms ...
Celebrating being Māori and Catholic
Katherine Winitana thanks her supporters at the Flaxmere Heroes calendar launch at Te Aranga Marae. Photo / Paul Taylor. Last night 16 heroes and heroines were honoured for their unique contribution to Flaxmere as the U-Turn Trust launched 2016 heroes ...
Zoe Hawke is in the Te Aranga community garden chatting to Gary and me about the Orakei, Auckland community garden. She is clearly impressed with our garden and on a day like today - sunny, no wind and with the Ruahine Range in the background - it ...
Meihana Te Huia, Hana Aranga, Norbryn Vaiula, Anneli Drecker og Tuhoe Tamaiparea under musikkvideoinnspillingen i Ersfjorden ved Tromsø. Foto: Rune Nordgård Andreassen / NRK. Rune Nordgård Andreassen. Journalist Rune N. Andreassen @RuneN.
I affiliate predominantly with Omahu and Waipatu marae and my growing disappointment stems from the realisation that Te Aranga Marae may not be one of the marae within the Heretaunga Tamatea region to receive funding as part of the Waitangi claims.
Šā gada 12. septembrī Rīgas Latviešu Biedrības nama Lielajā zālē notiks Latvijā vienas no pirmajām Dienvidindijas dejas bharatanatyam pasniedzējas Larisas Podskočajas solokoncerts – Arangetram. Tulkojumā no Sanskrita "Aranga"nozīmē "skatuvi" un ...
Notiks Larisas Podskočajas solo koncerts ARANGETRAM
Los códigos postales de Aranga
Casas do Campo Casas do Campo
Lugar Regueiro, 1
15315 Monfero
Casa Rural de Graña da Acea Casa Rural de Graña da Acea
Acea, 4
15619 Monfero
Zenit Casal de Mouros Zenit Casal de Mouros
Casal Do Mouro, 2
15313 Ambroa