Chandigarh's Harendra Gupta and Mandeo Singh Pathania of Greater Noida were tied second at 10-under-206 as they recorded third round scores of 69 and 71, respectively. Shamim Khan (70-72-63), who was overnight tied 13th, lying seven behind the ...
Khan fired a course record nine-under 63 that pushed his total to 11-under 205. Harendra (72-65-69) shares the second position with Mandeo Singh Pathania, who shot a 71 today. Gaganjeet Bhullar also shot a 71 to climb to tied ninth at six-under. — TNS.
Delhi's Shamim Khan fired a course record nine-under-63 at the Oxford Golf Resort to snatch the round three lead at the inaugural Pune Open on Thursday. Khan's immaculate third round effort pushed his tournament total up to 11-under-205 that placed him ...
Khan's immaculate third round effort pushed his tournament total up to 11-under 205 that placed him one shot ahead of Chandigarh's Harendra Gupta and Mandeo Singh Pathania of Greater Noida at the Rs. 30 lakh event. Harendra and Pathania recorded ...
Greater Noida's Mandeo Singh Pathania led by two shots from Harendra Gupta with a six-under 66 in the second round of the inaugural Pune Open golf tournament on Wednesday. Pathania's second round effort took his total to nine-under-135, while ...
PUNE : Mandeo Singh Pathania of Greater Noida powered two shots ahead in round two of the inaugural Pune Open after he carded a sublime six-under-66. Pathania's second round effort took his total to nine-under-135. Chandigarh's Harendra Gupta shot ...