Noticias de Figueirido
A Atento fortalece sua equipe de liderança com a nomeação de Daniel V. Figueirido (foto) como Diretor Comercial Global da empresa. Figueirido, que assume sua nova função em 15 de outubro, também irá atuar no Comitê Executivo da Atento. O executivo ...
Atento nomeia novo Diretor Comercial Global
Transformasi dari pemburu penyergap menjadi predator jarak jauh mulai sekitar 7 juta tahun lalu, menurut Figueirido. 2 juta tahun yang lalu, pada periode Pleistocene yang lebih dingin dan kering, nenek moyang serigala dan anjing mengejar mangsa ...
Perubahan Iklim Pengaruhi Evolusi Anjing Prasejarah
Ecology and geology expert Borja Figueirido from Universidad de Málaga in Spain said that they decided to conduct this research because most of the previous studies that analyzed how mammals are affected by climate change concentrated on herbivore ...
Study Reveals How Climate Change Affects Dog Evolution
"It's reinforcing the idea that predators may be as directly sensitive to climate and habitat as herbivores," says Christine Janis, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at Brown University, who worked with lead author Borja Figueirido, a ...
Fossil study: Dogs evolved with climate change
A co-lead author of the study, whose lead author was Borja Figueirido of the Universidad de Málaga, mentioned that “large herbivores,” are “directly impacted by vegetational change,” adding that not very many studies have so far come out about “the ...
Dogs Were Once More Like Cats but Changed Due to the Climate
When scientists examine the impact of climate change on the evolution of mammals, they generally look to herbivores, says Borja Figueirido, an ecology and geology expert at Spain's Universidad de Málaga. He and his colleagues took a different tack, ...
How climate change drove evolution of dogs (+video)
Fotos de Figueirido
Los códigos postales de Figueirido
Hostal Sequeiros Hostal Sequeiros
Estrada Ourense-Maceda (OU-101) KM 7,5
32911 San Ciprian de Viñas
Eurostars Auriense Eurostars Auriense
Alto O Cumial, 12
32970 Ourense
AC Hotel Vila de Allariz by Marriott AC Hotel Vila de Allariz by Marriott
Paseo do Arnado Esq. Rua O Fuxon, s/n
32660 Allariz