His name is Dani Pedrosa. Over the past nine seasons Pedrosa has finished the MotoGP championship on three occasions each in second, third and fourth places. He has won 30 premier-class GPs – more than legends such as Kevin Schwantz and Barry ...
Ganze 1,268 sec trennten den Spanier aus dem Repsol-Honda-Team von der Bestzeit des Yamaha-Stars Jorge Lorenzo. Pedrosas Teamkollege Marc Márquez hatte Platz 2 gesichert. «Ich habe kaum Grip am Hinterrad. Ich kann die Maschine nicht gut aus ...
(Motorsport-Total.com) - Nach den starken Vorstellungen bei den finalen Rennen der Saison 2015 deutete alles darauf hin, dass 2016 die Saison von Dani Pedrosa werden könnte. Die Charakteristik der Michelin-Reifen schien gut zu Pedrosas Stil zu passen ...
Beim vergangenen Grand Prix in Austin hatte Andrea Dovizioso Glück, dass an Dani Pedrosas Honda nur die kleinen Flaps an der Seitenverkleidung montiert waren. Ansonsten hätte der Zusammenstoß in Kurve 1 zu ernsthaften Verletzungen führen können.
With 15 laps to go Dani Pedrosa lost control of his bike as he came into turn 1 at the Red Bull Grand Prix of the Americas in Austin on Sunday, slamming into the unsuspecting Andrea Dovizioso. Dovizioso just so happened to have gone slightly wide in ...
Pedrosa was in extreme difficulty when using Michelin's medium rear tyre that was shipped in on Friday night. Quizzed on whether tyre wear would be an issues with the soft, he answered, “I cannot even think about concerns because I have no option.