Salvador Dalí, vlastným menom Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí Domenech, jeden z najpopulárnejších a najextravagantnejších umelcov 20. storočia a najznámejší predstaviteľ surrealizmu vôbec, sa narodil v roku 1904 v španielskom mestečku ...
A Cervantes se lo lleva el capitán de la galera que lo capturó, Dalí Mamí, para encerrarlo en sus baños, porque bañol significa en turco cárcel real, o sea, del gobernador de Argel, aunque las hay particulares, como la de Dalí Mamí. Sus condiciones ...
Ne fornisce un esempio particolarmente brillante e affascinante il Museo Dalí situato a St. Petersburg, in Florida, il quale ha dedicato all'artista spagnolo un percorso multimediale dal titolo Dreams of Dalí, grazie al quale basta adesso indossare un ...
Thankfully, the subjects are fascinating, none more so than Salvador Dalí and his muse for more than 50 years, the Russian-born Gala Eluard. She exploded into his life in the late 1920s, took his virginity and became his soulmate, allowing him, as one ...
The merging of two creative minds and their lifetime of work has been captured at this limited exhibit at the Dalí Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida. Walt Disney and Salvador Dalí's artistic endeavors have been brilliantly put on display through ...
Salvador Dalí, the great Surrealist painter and bombastic lover of ocelots, is widely known for his nightmarish depictions of melting timepieces, nesting tigers and spindly-legged elephants. He's less revered for his ability to meticulously monitor his ...