Noticias de Santa Bárbara
The Oscar-winning actress and all-around superior human being has dropped $4.9 million on a luxurious estate home in Santa Barbara, CA. The four-bed, four-bath property overlooks the ocean from its multiple sunny terraces and manicured gardens that ...
Gwyneth Paltrow Buys <b>Santa Barbara</b> Mansion for $4.9 Million
A Estação Cultural de Santa Bárbara d'Oeste (SP) recebe a oficina “Artes com Reciclagem” a partir da segunda quinzena de maio. Durante os encontros, os participantes irão confeccionar e criar objetos com reutilização de materiais. O curso é gratuito e ...
<b>Santa Bárbara</b> tem oficina gratuita de artes com materiais recicláveis
Oscar-winning actress Gwyneth Paltrow recently purchased a Venice-inspired mansion for $4.9 million in beautiful Santa Barbara, Calif. The four-bedroom, four-bathroom estate includes several terraces and lush gardens which boast impeccable ocean views ...
Gwyneth Paltrow Drops $4.9 Million On <b>Santa Barbara</b> Property
The male suspect was wanted for domestic violence and had fled from deputies at the Santa Barbara Fair & Expo over the weekend, according to the Sheriff's Office. The suspect was spotted in Goleta Monday morning and fled again when deputies tried to ...
Wanted Domestic Violence Suspect Arrested in Goleta After Foot Pursuit
O diretor do Centro de Detenção de Americana (SP) morreu atropelado ao tentar atravessar a pé a Rodovia Luiz de Queiroz (SP-304), no trecho de Santa Bárbara d'Oeste (SP). A vítima foi socorrida pelo Corpo de Bombeiros e levado ao Hospital Edson ...
Officers will visit bars and restaurants in downtown Santa Barbara during weekend evenings. The hope is to interact with people in a positive way, educating them on the effects of alcohol on the body and the dangers of driving. "We are going to try to ...
<b>Santa Barbara</b> Police Launch New Program To Combat Drinking and Driving
Fotos de Santa Bárbara
Los códigos postales de Santa Bárbara
Santa Bárbara
Complejo Rural Puerto Peñas Complejo Rural Puerto Peñas
Camino de los Rasos, s/n
21240 Aroche
Posada Los Pedregales Posada Los Pedregales
Grupos Escolares, 2
21594 El Granado
Hotel Sierra Luz Hotel Sierra Luz
Jesús Nazareno, s/n
21230 Cortegana