Carlos Valdez from the Los Alamos County Cooperative Extension Services Department will conduct a workshop about the care and pruning of roses at 10 a.m. Saturday, May 7 in the Memorial Rose Garden behind Fuller Lodge. Valdez will demonstrate ...
Los Alamos Youth Leadership (LAYL) teens spent Saturday with elementary students at Los Alamos High School. Student leaders took turns leading the group in activities, including making paper airplanes, relay races, charades and planting sunflowers.
RÍO GRANDE.- Los vecinos de la colonia Los Álamos y de la comunidad de Las Palomas denunciaron la poca atención que ha recibido la red de drenaje, cercana al tramo del malecón conocido como El Bordo. Debido a este problema, los colonos tienen ...
At Friday's official farewell event in Council Chambers, Los Alamos County Deputy Fire Chief Justin Grider who retired last month, receives a custom hand-made ax from Firefighter and Honor Guard Commander William Nackers. From left, Battalion Chief ...
The Group from left, Phi Theta Kappa Vice President Jemima Spill, Dr. Mickey Marsee, Grace Willerton, Dr. Sharon Hurley-Johns, Dr. Mary Martucci, Alex Zubelewicz, Elizabeth A. Rademacher and Phi Theta Kappa President Craig One Feather. Photo by ...
Los Alamos Democrats pitched in Satirday for the annual 'Clean Up Los Alamos Day' in an effort to beautify the community. From left, Amy Storey, Cecelia Frank, Karyl Ann Armbruster, Chris Chandler, Robyn Schultz, Shelby Redondo, and Michael Redondo.