Costa Rican opeator ICE has launched 2.6GHz LTE pilot service in the San Jose metro area, providing users with 10 to 20 Mbps connectivity via USB dongles plugged into mobile phones, tablets and laptops. ICE customer manager Jaime Palermo told La ...
Former St Johnstone favourite Nick Dasovic has been unveiled as the assistant coach at MLS side San Jose Earthquakes. He was lured to California after a spell in charge of Canada's U20 team. Dasovic, now 44, played alongside Earthquakes interim head ...
For one of America's ten largest cities, San Jose keeps an unusually low profile. It is the largest U.S. city without an NFL, NBA, or MLB team, that benchmark of big-city legitimacy ensuring daily attention on TV and in the sports pages. Last week, San...
Kevin Bella talks with Mission San Jose head football coach Sam Baugh using the help of a sign language interpreter on a television screen at home in Fremont, Calif., June 6. When Bella, a high school football coach, needs a forceful one-on-one talk ...
La presidenta de la Diputación Provincial de Guadalajara, Ana Guarinos, ha asistido este lunes a la ceremonia de entrega de premios y clausura del Campeonato regional del Deporte en Edad Escolar que ha tenido lugar en el polideportivo San José de la ...
El acto, celebrado en el Hospitalillo de San José, ha contado con la presencia de Juan Soler, alcalde del municipio, quien dio la enhorabuena a la Policía Local ''por la excelente labor que realizan en el municipio''. Además, ha reconocido sentirse ...